Auto Accident

Understanding the Aftermath of an Auto Accident

Have you suffered significant injuries in an auto accident in California? Are you feeling overwhelmed and anxious about navigating the complexities of a personal injury lawsuit? Rest assured, these feelings are common among accident victims who find the process of filing a claim daunting.

The Importance of Legal Representation

Obtaining legal representation is crucial after an auto accident. A skilled auto accident attorney will handle the arduous tasks while you focus on recovering from physical and mental injuries sustained during the traumatic incident. If you are in need of legal assistance, our reputable California auto accident attorneys at Injury Legal Center are available to help you secure the compensation and justice you deserve.

Auto Accidents in California

Auto accidents are prevalent in California. According to the latest data provided by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), California witnessed a total of 3,558 fatal motor vehicle accidents resulting in 3,847 deaths in 2020. Here are some key statistics:

Auto occupants accounted for 1,378 fatalities.

Pickup and SUV occupants accounted for 674 fatalities.

Large truck occupants accounted for 25 fatalities.

Single-vehicle accidents constituted 59% of the total.

Multi-vehicle accidents (including motorcycles) constituted 41% of the total.

Seat belt usage: 54% wore seat belts, 37% did not, and 10% were unknown.

69% of accidents occurred in urban areas.

Why You Should Hire a California Auto Accident Attorney

Opting not to seek legal representation can make it challenging for you to balance various priorities, such as gathering evidence and communicating with insurance companies. Insurance companies may perceive you as an easy target for accepting a low settlement offer if you don't have an attorney advocating for your rights. Without legal guidance, you may inadvertently disclose information to the insurance company that significantly impacts your settlement offer.

The Basics of Personal Injury Liability

Establishing liability after an auto accident, particularly with multiple parties involved, can be complex. Gathering information and evidence is crucial to substantiate claims of negligence. Negligence refers to reckless or careless behavior that violates the law and poses risks to others nearby.

To successfully prove negligence, you must demonstrate the following three elements:

The defendant owed you a duty of care.

The defendant breached this duty of care through negligence.

The defendant's negligence directly caused the injuries you sustained.

Understanding the Duty of Care

A duty of care refers to a legal obligation that individuals must fulfill to prevent foreseeable harm to others. For instance, drivers have a duty of care to pay attention to the road and obey traffic laws. If a driver exceeds the speed limit or operates a vehicle under the influence, resulting in an auto accident, they will be held accountable for damages.

A duty of care extends to various situations beyond auto accidents. Consider a scenario where a grocery store mandates its employees to place warning signs after cleaning the floors. If an employee forgets to display the sign, resulting in a customer slipping and falling, the grocery store may be liable for the accident.

Available Damages After a California Auto Accident

There is no definitive or guaranteed settlement offer for auto accidents. Compensation depends on the unique circumstances of your case, including the severity of your injuries and the circumstances surrounding the accident.

More severe injuries increase the likelihood of receiving a higher settlement offer. Additionally, if the other party displayed significant negligence or intentionally caused harm, you may be entitled to additional compensation.

Compensatory damages are typically categorized as economic and non-economic damages.

  • Economic damages encompass tangible losses such as medical bills, property damage, and lost wages. They aim to compensate victims for quantifiable losses that can be assigned a specific dollar amount. Economic damages are calculated based on the out-of-pocket expenses incurred or expected to be incurred due to the injuries suffered.
  • Non-economic damages include intangible losses such as loss of consortium, emotional distress, and pain and suffering. These damages compensate for subjective losses that may not have a direct financial value.
  • Punitive damages are distinct from compensatory damages and serve to punish wrongdoers for their negligent or intentionally harmful behavior. Even driving without a license is considered a crime in California and can be subject to punitive damages.

The calculation and awarding of punitive damages depend on the circumstances of each case, and there is no set standard for determining their amount.

Contact Us Today

If you have sustained injuries as a result of someone's negligence or deliberate actions, you have the right to hold the responsible party accountable for your losses. Our dedicated California auto accident attorneys at Injury Legal Center are here to assist you in recovering the compensation you deserve.

To schedule a free consultation with our experienced and compassionate legal team, reach out to us today.

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